Public Relations 4.0: Technological surveillance and relational innovation in local development




Reports on digital maturity in Spain show a delay in technological adoption, which has a negative impact on territorial development. The objective of the research is to carry out a diagnosis of the Local Development Agencies (ADL) of the Province of Alicante about their adaptation needs to the 4.0 revolution, from a technological surveillance and relational innovation approach, aimed at offering a guide to reduce gaps and promote the improvement of these practices. Thus favoring strategic decision-making and building relationships of trust with local companies, to which this knowledge can be transferred and supported in improving their technological maturity as a source of sustainable competitive advantages. The methodology of the study is quantitative primary cross-sectional, by means of a census, whose instrument has been an ad-hoc questionnaire, previously subjected to validation through expert judgment, with an online self-administered application and processed through the Qualtrics survey management and processing software. The results show that adaptation 4.0 is not optimal in ADLs, identifying specific needs for them. As a relevant conclusion, it stands out how the ADLs use some Public Relations techniques using technology, in terms of e-administration, and in information systems of a 2.0 nature. However, a level of relational innovation 4.0 has not yet been reached, this being an opportunity for future research in this line.


Public Relations 4.0, Relational innovation 4.0, Public Relations Intelligence, Local Development, Technology watch, Ecosystem 4.0.


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Author Biographies

Rosa María Torres Valdés, University of Alicante

Department of Communication and Social Psychology University of Alicante PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Full-time professor at the University of Alicante in the subjects of Public Relations Techniques, and Account Management, in the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations and at the University of Alicante and Organization of Events and Protocol in the degree in Tourism 

Alba Santa Soriano, University of Alicante

Master's in Information and Knowledge Society from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and doctoral student in Public Relations and Strategic Intelligence from the University of Alicante (UA). Innovation Project Manager at the UA Virtual Technology Transfer Observatory.




How to Cite

Torres Valdés, R. M., & Santa Soriano, A. (2018). Public Relations 4.0: Technological surveillance and relational innovation in local development. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(15), 265.


