Studies on the simulation of reality from a strategic and fictional component
A simulation of reality can illustrate and illusionate, but it should not mislead, because no matter how spectacular, accessible or realistic these worlds of possibilities are presented, we must not forget their fictional construction. The main objective of this study is to analyze strategies that sometimes go unnoticed in the simulation of reality: from the creator’s intentionality, the dependence that a bad use can lead to or the influence that the avatar design can have on the person himself. Reference is made to the methodological procedure used for a film from the theories on filmic narrative, the semiotics of storytelling (Sulbarán Piñeiro, 2016) and the theory of hyperreality (Baudrillard, 1984) due to the fact that the more technology is advancing the more distance is being created with respect to reality. This study is aimed at adolescent students between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. And to acquire, through digital literacy, intellectual learning in relation to concepts, higher convergent learning referring to the generation of ideas, analysis and synthesis.
Cinema, video game, simulation, hyperreality, educommunication, digital literacy.Downloads
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