Changes and continuities in the representations of tourism and society in the Moroccan postcard (1910-2016)
Postcards have been cultural artifacts typical of
mass tourism. They are, at the same time, souvenirs
and ways of communication whose uses and
meanings are multiple and varied. As a communication
mean, anachronistic or nostalgic, they are
objects of a past that allows us to make a historical,
visual and narrative analysis of how tourist
destinations were portrayed, emphasizing the
meaning and sense of the exotic, the superiority
of the colonial West and the fascination for adventure.
Analyzing this changes, that is, the transformations
in the representations of that tourist destination,
how the staged has been altering, usually
have a lot to do with how the social gaze of the
tourist and the destination changes, disrupting
these fragments of communication and narratives
of the subjective. From a qualitative approach to
the tourist postcards of Morocco (1890-2016), a
review is made of the tourist and political development
of the country, the aesthetic changes and the
representative content of the postcard and the social
gaze towards the colonial and decolonial that
is perceived in the representations of these fragments
of paper that, souvenirs or communication
media, continue to have a place as an advertising
showcase for a destination.
Postcard, colonialism, publicity, representation, souvenir, social imaginaryDownloads
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