The use of podcasting to communicate the corporate identity in the Iberia’s 90th anniversary campaign. The case of the podcast Aerolínea Momentos.
The incorporation of information and communication technologies in public relations is a disruptive movement that modifies the dynamics between organizations, professionals and publics. In this context, podcasting has some particular characteristics. However, its use in corporate strategies is still incipient. This article studies the case of Aerol.nea Momentos, a podcast coproduced by Podium Podcast and Iberia. The main objectives of this article are to explain the podcast integration in the Iberia’s campaign planned to celebrate its 90th anniversary, to expose the distinctive features of this audio fiction and to analyze how it fits with the Iberia’s corporate identity. This case study follows a qualitative methodology. On the one hand, it is based on a secondary empirical research using corporate and journalistic documents selected due to their credibility, authenticity and representativeness. On the other hand, it uses a content analysis of the nine episodes of the podcast using the PodCred Framework, a scheme of analysis contrasted by international researches for the assessment of the potential and interest of podcasts. The case study shows how the podcast fits well with the corporate strategy. In addition, Aerol.nea Momentos meets most of the quality indicators of the PodCred Framework. The specialization of the team involved in the production is a key factor to get an optimal result as a branded podcast. In short, Aerol.nea Momentos is successful because of the confluence of a strong communication strategy from Iberia and an excellent production by specialists in audio fiction from Podium Podcast.
Podcasting, branded podcast, audio fiction, corporate identity, public relations.Downloads
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