Sexist and offensive messages to women as commercial claim: analysis of advertising campaigns Natan




The advertising campaigns of Natan Jewelry have received international awards, despite showing promotional messages that have been rated by experts as sexist and demeaning to women. Our purpose was to analyze the staging of these contents, criticized by its ethics and moral quality, having in mind that through a careful representation, combining the plastic resources and relying on rhetoric, they manage to offer an elegant visual communication, opposed to the implicit but clear message which lies behind. It has been concluded that the rhetorical statements of synecdoche and comparison together with the plastic resources of the angle gaze, the use of offscreen attached to an open message whose meaning should be completed by the addressee, foster an effective communication and thus enables the acceptance of statements with ethical questionable quality.


sexist advertising, offensive messages, woman, Natan, advertising rhetoric, plastic resources.


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Author Biographies

Leticia Anor, King Juan Carlos University

Graduation Student at the King Juan Carlos University

Manuel Montes, King Juan Carlos University

Prof. at the King Juan Carlos University





How to Cite

Anor, L., & Montes, M. (2015). Sexist and offensive messages to women as commercial claim: analysis of advertising campaigns Natan. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 4(06), 23–31.


