HOMEWORKING: Communication strategies and sense of belonging.
The communicational and operational benefits of ICT to achieve organizational objectives are clearly known, but when it comes to transmitting institutional values, what changes did they generate? In the following investigation, we will analyze how the new homeworking work method (based on the use of ICT) has introduced changes in the planning of communication strategies in terms of the "sense of belonging" that employees have towards their institution. Thinking about how this sense of belonging is transmitted in the work methods where all relationships are mediated by ICT? To answer the question, a case study was carried out at a company located in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, based on an exploratory and descriptive methodological design, using interview techniques and content analysis for its approach. Once the work was carried out, the conclusions reached confirm that, despite the possibilities that ICTs offer in communication matters, the most important means when it comes to transmitting values continues to be the face-to-face relationship. This research seeks a new contribution to institutional communication studies in a phenomenon that, by tendency, has a constant global growth.Keywords
Direct communication, mediated communication, organizational culture, communication strategies, homeworking, sense of belonging, TIC.Downloads
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