Hannah Höch: Photomontage as a Cartography of Violence




This article is based on a reading of Hannah Höch’s 1920s photomontages from the point of view of violence and as a consequence of the traumatic experience of the First World War. The political crisis of the Weimar Republic and Berlin Dadaism are addressed through the ideas of Salomo Friedlaender, Bertold Brecht and Walter Benjamin, as well as aspects such as the grotesque, irony, and the work of art in the age of technological reproducibility, subjectivity and otherness. Germaine Krull’s photography, primitivism in dance, masks and the importance of ethnography are also evident in this reading of Höch Dadaism, together with a gender interpretation in which the figure of the woman is represented in a completely innovative way in terms of struggle and resistance, starting with the writings of Rosa Luxemburg. The concept of Atlas or Lebenscollage is treated as a conceptual work from the new readings of artists’ archives, highlighting their importance  in 20th and 21st century art and inaugurating a new post-photography concept of contemporary artistic practices. 


Hannah Höch, photomontage, violence, Dadaism, photography, Primitivism, German art 20th century


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[1] Benjamin, W. (2013) Infància a Berlin cap al 1900. Palma de Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner Ed.

[2] Benjamin, W. (2011) L’obra d’art a l’època de la reproductibilitat tècnica. Barcelona: Edicions 62.

[3] Benjamin, W. (1997) Das Passagen Werk, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag.

[4] Burmeister, R. (2004) “El fiel de las diferencias: Hannah Höch y Salomo Friedlaender / Mynona”, dins Hannah Höch, Madrid: MNCARS.

[5] Friedlaender / Mynona, S. (2003) Ich (1871-1936). Autobiographische Skizze, Hartmut Geerken Ed. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag.

[6] Höch, H. (2001) Eine Lebenscollage, vol. 3, 1946-1978, 1ª part, Berlin: Berlinische Galerie.

[7] Höch, H. (1989) “Erinnerungen an Dada”, reimprès en Hannah Höch 1889-1978: Ihr werk, Ihr Leben, Ihre Freunde, Berlin: Berlinische Galerie.

[8] Hille, K. (2004) “…Esta evolución interminable”. Hannah Höch y el siglo xx en el espejo de su arte”, dins Hannah Höch, Madrid: MNCARS.

[9] Makela, M. (2003) “Grotesque Bodies: Weimar-era Medicine and the Photomontages of “Hannah Höch”, Modern Art and the Grotesque, Ed. Frances S. Connelly, Londres: Cambridge University Press.

[10] Makholm, K. (2004) “Ultraprimitivo y ultramoderno. De un museo etnográfico, de Hannah Höch”, en Hannah Höch, Madrid: MNCARS.

[11] Rukeyser, M. (1968) “Käthe Kollwitz”, The Speed of Darkness. Poems. New York: Random House.

[12] Zambrano, M. (2000) La agonía de Europa. Madrid, Ed. Trotta.

Author Biography

Maria-Josep Balsach Peig, University of Girona

Maria-Josep Balsach is a tenured professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Girona. She is the author of numerous theoretical works on aesthetics and art of the 20th century. Among the six publications we can mention L'art immaterial d'Arnold Schönberg (Espais Award for art criticism); Hybris and Tragic Thought (Barcelona, 1990); Modernism and avant-garde (Milà, 2003) and Joan Miró. Cosmogonies of an original world (1918-1939) (Barcelona, 2007) (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona d'Assaig). She is currently the director of the Càtedra d'Art i Cultura Contemporànies at the University of Girona.





How to Cite

Balsach Peig, M.-J. (2017). Hannah Höch: Photomontage as a Cartography of Violence. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 6(12), 93–103. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v6i12.22010


