Branded content aimed at Generation Z in the luxury fashion sector: Gucci and metaverse
The luxury fashion sector is marked by generation Z’s entry into its market. These youngsters are redefining the industry, demanding brands’ contribution to society. One of the leading firms in this sector is Gucci, whose communication strategy is an example of reorientation towards this new target. This article aims at analyzing the conncetion between Gucci’s recent branded content and Generation Z’s consumer preferences by investigating, among other contents, Gucci’s advergaming actions in the metaverse. Through a quantitative/qualitative analysis with a sample of twelve cases, Gucci is studied from person, product, organization and symbol perspectives, following Aarker’s (2002) brand identity model and Carcavilla & Aguirre (2022) proposal. The results illustrate the connection of these four aspects present in Gucci’s brand content with Generation Z values such as diversity and innovation. The brand targets the Gen Z consumer in its communication through brand ambassadors, collaborations with other brands and metaverse platforms. Gucci has been able to adapt to the changing environment of the current luxury fashion sector, responding to the concerns of a new audience profile and betting on digital and innovation.
Luxury fashion, Gucci, generation Z, branded content, metaverso, creative strategyDownloads
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