Social imaginaries and identity of Mexican culture in the memes of the 2018 FIFA World Cup
Memes have become a form of expression representative of the digital media culture, used for the representation of social values and imaginaries. As a case study, we analyzed the memes published within the framework of the performance of the Mexican soccer team at the 2018 FIFA World Cup-Russia, which allowed us to understand the social imaginaries that build Mexican cultural identity in networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and digital platforms such as WhatsApp and Informative Websites. The study uses a qualitative digital ethnographic methodology, with a sociocultural approach, for phenomena in networks and digital platforms (Hine, 2005, Wouters and Beaulieu, 2009, Ardèvol and Gómez, 2012), which allowed to recover 600 memes in various communities, platforms and networks close social. For its categorization and analysis we used the concepts of social imaginaries of Cornelius Castoriadis (1997), Mexican identity from Ramos (1951), Paz (1992), Villoro (2018), Giddens (1997), Giménez (2000), Berger and Luckmann ( 2006), as well as the approach to concepts of digital narratives such as the meme in Dawkins (1989), transmedia and multiplatform, from Jenkins (2008) and Scolari (2013). The study reveals that the memes published in the context of this sporting event, through digital platforms and social networks, represent social imaginaries instituted with values that have prevailed and are updated in the definition of the Mexican cultural identity.
Meme, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Social Imaginaries, Identity, MexicoDownloads
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