Public Relations and Dissidence: Necessary Approaches
Historically, Public Relations have been marked by a naive and mistaken view of harmonizing interests. In view of this perspective, the present article proposes to discuss the need for Public Relations to (re)think conflict and disagreement as possibilities for rapprochement between the organization and its publics. that in Brazil are referenced in Public Relations: James Grunig (2009) with the Studio of Excellence, Roberto Porto Simões (1995) considered the only Brazilian theorist to propose a Theory of Public Relations that involves its political function, Margarida Maria Khroling Kunsch ( 2009) and María Aparecida Ferrari (2009), whose investigations were carried out on the (des) paths of the area. In order to assume the dimension of disident public relations, which admits conflict and dissent as positive and creative movements in organizations, we seek support from authors such as Garner (2015, 2006), Kassing (2012, 1998) and Wainberg (2017, 2015 ) defend disident communication, highlighting its benefits, for example, in terms of innovation and decision-making processes. The discussion is anchored in the complex thought (Morin, 2003, 2000), which helps us in the (re)interpretations arising from the bibliographic surveys (Gil, 2008) carried out. Our investigations reveal that Public Relations are still tied with instrumental/operational biases, which ignore and/or disregard differences, dissent and conflict as opportunities to strengthen relationships, from a strategic and also humanizing perspective.Keywords
Conflict, Dissent communication, Dissent, Public RelationsDownloads
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