The role of internal communication in the face of the challenges of digitization




This research analyzes the role played by internal communication in the face of the growing impact of digitization in organizations. The rise of digital tools and social media, and the possibility of processing large volumes of data (big data) have given way to what is known as the 4.0 revolution. In this changing scenario, internal communication is essential to manage the cultural change that digital transformation implies. This research carries out a systematic review of the academic literature published during the last five years (between 2012 and 2017) to try to define which are the key aspects that place internal communication as a privileged area to face the changes implicit in this revolution, and what should internal communication professionals take into account to adapt to this scenario. The analyzed investigations show that social media have not been well integrated into the internal communication system of companies and indicate that it is necessary to continue deepening the study of the effective use of social networks in internal communication. Virtually none of the studies in the sample make reference to new technological challenges, such as the Internet of Things and big data.


social media, internal communication, employee communication, digitalization, innovation



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Author Biographies

Susana Miquel-Segarra, University of Jaume I

Degree in Information Sciences, specializing in Advertising and Public Relations, from the CEU San Pablo University (Valencia Polytechnic University) and Doctor cum Laude from the University of Alicante with international mention (accredited by the Glasgow Caledonian University). She is currently a PhD assistant professor and researcher in the ENCOM group, as well as a collaborator with the Journalism, Communication and Power group of the Universitat Jaume I. Her research focuses mainly on the profile of professionals in corporate communication and public relations, as well as in the use of social networks and their dialogical capacity, both at the organizational and political level.

Cristina Aced, University of Oberta de Catalunya

Graduated in Information Sciences from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona and Doctor cum Laude from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She is currently a collaborating professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and an associate professor at the Barcelona School of Management at UPF. His research focuses on the dialogic potential of social media, the use of social networks as a tool for public relations and corporate communication, internal communication in the digital sphere, and transmedia branding. He has published various books on digital communication and public relations. 




How to Cite

Miquel-Segarra, S., & Aced, C. (2018). The role of internal communication in the face of the challenges of digitization. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(15), 27.


