Gender violence on cartoons broadcast through television: children as impassible audience. Advices for responsible consumption




This paper shows the concern about the effects that gender violence causes on childhood through cartoons. By this reason, the aim this study is check if there is gender violence on the most consumed cartoons by children and, if true, check if this type of violence is detected by this audience. Taking a sample 1275 students, and fifty chapters of cartoons, the process of investigation is divided on three parts: on the first place, through survey as technique, the children are asked about their favorites cartoons. On the second place, after knowing their answers, through analysis of content, the representation of characters and the dialogues are analyzed. Finally, after the children saw some chapters, the students have explained if they have detected situations with gender violence. The results showing, on the one hand, that exist differences between male and female characters, who suffer gender of violence and, on the other hand, there are more girls that boys that affirm that women aren’t victims of gender violence. So, this study shows that childish audience is immune to such situations and this study concludes affirming that children don’t detected this situations because they understand these behavior as a normal attitude.


gender violence, cartoons, childish, impassivity, students, media education


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Author Biographies

Mariona Prades Oropesa, Ramon Llull University

Dr. at Ramon Llull University

Xavier Carbonell Sánchez, Ramon Llull University

Dr. at Ramon Llull University




How to Cite

Prades Oropesa, M., & Carbonell Sánchez, X. (2016). Gender violence on cartoons broadcast through television: children as impassible audience. Advices for responsible consumption. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 5(09), 27–36.


