AI literacy: articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators



This article proposes an articulated framework of dimensions and indicators for artificial intelligence literacy (AI literacy), understood as a key competency for citizenship in the digital age. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into areas such as education, media, the workplace, and everyday life, there is a growing need to develop competencies that enable individuals not only to use these technologies efficiently, but also to understand them critically, evaluating their social, ethical, and cultural impacts. Based on the media literacy model developed by Ferrés and Piscitelli (2012), this study adapts and expands that approach to the AI context, identifying six fundamental dimensions: cognitive and critical, language and programming, ethics, emotional, creativity and innovation, and interaction and participation.

These dimensions are broken down into specific indicators that allow AI literacy to be measured and applied in various educational and social contexts, providing practical tools for critical analysis and responsible use of AI. The article also addresses key challenges, such as algorithmic biases, particularly those related to gender, emphasizing the importance of tackling these inequalities from a critical and ethical perspective.

The article highlights the need to integrate AI literacy into media and information literacy (MIL), expanding the concept to address the algorithmic technologies that today shape access to and production of information. The proposed framework is flexible and constantly evolving, capable of adapting to rapid technological changes, and aims to empower citizens to engage critically, responsibly, and ethically with AI, promoting a more just and inclusive society in the face of the challenges and opportunities posed by this technology.


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Author Biographies

Álex Buitrago, Universidad de Valladolid

Álex Buitrago (PhD University of Valladolid, extraordinary doctorate prize 2016) is a professor and researcher in the Department of Audio-visual communication and Advertising at the University of Valladolid (Spain). His research interests include media education, social media platforms and AI literacy. He has been visiting researcher at the Digital Literacy Centre at University of British Columbia (2019-2020) and at Università La Sapienza di Roma (2015). He is co-author of the book ‘La educación mediática y los profesionales de la comunicación [Media education and mass media professionals]’ (Gedisa, 2015) and co-founder of the "Social Media Education Lab" at the María Zambrano Campus in Segovia (UVA).

Alberto Martín García, Universidad de Valladolid

Alberto Martín-García es Licenciado en Publicidad y RR.PP. por la Universidad de Valladolid y doctor en Comunicación, por la misma institución, con la tesis titulada ‘Análisis de la figura del community manager como voz de las marcas en las redes sociales’.  Su línea de investigación está centrada en las redes sociales y la alfabetización mediática e informacional. Ha escrito cinco novelas, consiguiendo, entre otros, el Premio Talento Caligrama 2019.

Lidia Torres Ortiz, Universidad de Valladolid

Lidia Torres Ortiz es doctoranda por la Universidad de Valladolid, Graduada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas y Máster en Comunicación con Fines Sociales. Ha ejercido como redactora creativa en diversas agencias de publicidad y ha gestionado y colaborado proyectos vinculados al tercer sector. Su proyecto de tesis doctoral se centra en la alfabetización mediática y los desafíos educativos que plantea la eclosión de la inteligencia artificial generativa.




How to Cite

Buitrago, Álex, Martín García, A., & Torres Ortiz, L. (2024). AI literacy: articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 13(27), 118–139.