Corporate events and the digitalization of senses in the metaverse: case study of the Gucci fashion brand
Metaverses are postulated as one of the closest scenarios and as immersive realities that can open new possibilities as their development advances. The present study aims to analyze the creation of corporate events in the metaverse using technologies of digitization of the senses and techniques of experiential and sensory marketing. Consequently, in this research it has been proven that the metaverse allows the fusion of emotions and senses with technology which is an opportunity to offer experiences different from those of the physical world in a context in which it is essential to captivate young public and in which the events and communications of companies must go a step further. Through an interview, a content analysis and the case study of the Gucci brand it has been confirmed that the insertion in the metaverse by brands is already possible. In turn, the importance of integrating the metaverse has been confirmed as part of the strategy and as the ideal space to supply all digital environments. The metavers can offer unique experiences to consumers seeking to enjoy products and services interactively and immersive through the five senses, although it also has risks that must be considered.
metaverse, experiential marketing, senses, technology, corporate events, digitizationDownloads
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