Nowadays, the sensitivity of the media and children issue is increasing due to the fact that we spend such a long time with media content, that the child audience is vulnerable to the media and that they have not yet gained the ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. At this point, it has become a necessity for parents to create the correct role model patterns about how to use the media by guiding their children. The issue of how children should defend themselves against harmful content from the media has been discussed from the past to the present. Of course, the child mass should also create a defense area against the media, learn what is fiction and what is real, and should not accept every content they see in the media as they are, and should take the task of confirming from different sources from a young age. This study points out that, especially in the digital world, there are some rules that we must obey in terms of respecting the rights of others and the necessity that every individual should not act as they wish. These rules are the rules that should be gained from childhood. Just as in daily life, people have to obey some rules in order to live in respect, love and togetherness, they have to obey some rules while on the move in the digital world.
Education, Digital Media Literacy, Media and Child, Manners and Courtesy Rules, Digital Media EtiquetteDownloads
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