Communication and Big Data in Ecuadorian business




Big Data is an evaluation system of large amounts of data collected by an organization, which allows obtaining certain parameters that improve internal and external management. In Ecuador there is a rapid adoption of Big Data within the company, taking advantage of its potential to evaluate trends and new business opportunities, attract and loyalty consumers and improve sales. There has been an exponential increase in data collection for analysis over the past three years. In the case of communication, the areas of marketing and advertising have benefited greatly from this technology, allowing them to implement strategies adapted to the reality of target audiences with the possibility of being evaluated quickly to improve their effectiveness. Through a non-probabilistic sample was determined a sample of 14 companies, based on the raking of the magazine Ekos Business 2019, and through a questionnaire was collected their perceptions  of the use of Big Data with the aim of identifying current trends in the country. It was concluded that, although still an emerging technology, it is being rapidly adopted for the development of business and communication strategies.


Big Data, Ecuador, organizational communication, business, marketing, publicity


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Author Biographies

Mario Román, Department of Communication Sciences of the Private Technical University of Loja

Bachelor of Science in Social Communication from the National University of Loja. Research Fellow at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja and student of the master's degree in Communication with a mention in Research and Digital Culture from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.

Karina Paola Valarezo Gonzalez, Private Technical University of Loja. Department of Communication Sciences of the Private Technical University of Loja

DIRCOM and research teacher Communication Department of the Private Technical University of Loja. Department of Communication Sciences of the Private Technical University of Loja.





How to Cite

Román, M., & Valarezo Gonzalez, K. P. (2021). Communication and Big Data in Ecuadorian business. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 10(20), 7–20.


