Lost opportunities for science communication in Spanish universities




It is increasingly recognized that communicating science to the general public is part of a scientist’s role. However, many researchers still do not consider communication as a priority task in their agenda and most of them have no training in science communication. Moreover, most scientific researchers have no training in science communication or training in outreach to non-scientific audiences. These graduates thus currently enter a professional environment that requires communication skills that are not usually taught them during undergraduate studies. Ignoring the issue further fosters mistrust and further alienates the general public from scientific research. This article investigates the different perceptions that biomedical undergraduates at the University of Barcelona have about science communication. The aim of the study was to  determine whether future biomedical researchers consider science communication to be important, whether they have any plans to consider it as a career and whether they receive sufficient information and training at university to be able to develop such a career. A key finding of the study is that students know the importance of science communication, but motivation, information and training at university level is lacking. This would suggest a perceived loss of opportunities to foster effective science communication in universities.


Health communication, science communication, science in society, science popularization, university


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Author Biographies

Clàudia Diviu Miñarro, University of Pompeu Fabra

PhD student of the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). MSc in Specialized Communication from University of Barcelona (UB) and graduate in Biomedical Sciences from the UB, she is a researcher mainly in the fields of public understanding of science, scientific journalism and science dissemination, concretely biomedical popularisation.

Sergi Cortiñas Rovira, Universitty Pompeu Fabra

Associate Professor of the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). PhD in Social Communication from UPF, graduate in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB) and in Journalism from UPF, he is a researcher mainly in the fields of scientific journalism, science dissemination and public understanding of science.





How to Cite

Diviu Miñarro, C., & Cortiñas Rovira, S. (2021). Lost opportunities for science communication in Spanish universities. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 10(20), 21–34. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v10i20.22610


