Marketing as a management tool. The case of the Wine Route of the D.O. Emporda (Costa Brava, Spain)
The objective of this text is to present the marketing as a tourism territorial management tool. Thus, the article is structured in three sections well differentiated. First, the theoretical review part of the most widely known theories and accepted concepts of marketing, one arrives at the concept current hol.stic marketing. Next, the second part proposes the areas in which Marketing as management can really be applied. Third, the case study of the D.O. Wine Route Empord.. The investigation was structure as a case study that combines the bibliographical review with a purely empiricist. Finally, in the final recaps emphasis is placed in some of the respects of marketing management than the case study confirm more clearly. This text is not free of limitations, among which we can highlight the scant bibliography regarding to marketing as a management tool, gap that we intend to help strengthen, although it must Consider this to be a case study. to which others must join in order to be able to develop a true theoretical essay.Keywords
product club, Costa Brava, marketing as a management tool, wine route, tourismDownloads
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