Analysis of a tourist city model according to according to the sources of the story: press versus citizen platforms. Speculation or development



This study analyzes the sources of informationused in two projects that question the tourist model of Malaga (Spain): Urban Forest for Málaga (2016)and Torre del Puerto (2016). The first one related to the uncontrolled construction where an urban forest of 177,000 square meters is demanded and the second one with the construction of a 150-meter hotel in the city’s port. The objective of the research is to analyze and compare the mentioned sources in three reference newspapers in the province and on social networks of two citizen platforms. The methodology used is mixed, qualitative and quantitative, analysis of news content and messages on social networks. The result is the existence of an obvious clash of arguments between citizens who demand a sustainable city model and press information that shows a defense of the analyzed urban projects according to institutional and private sources with private interests.Sources, press, social networks, citizenplatforms, tourism.


Sources, press, social networks, citizen platforms, tourism.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Olmedo Salar, University of Málaga

Doctor and Graduate in Journalism and current professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of Malaga. Master in Strategic Communication. His line of research has focused on radio and its new sound narratives, the analysis of media indicators of social profitability and the field of communication and development. She has been the director of the I International Congress of Radio Theater UMA (2019), coordinator of the Educational Innovation Project "The podcast as an educational tool and social awareness in the classroom" (2019-2021) and member of the research group Laboración de Comunicación y Cultura COMandalucía. He has carried out research stays in Scotland, Denmark and the United Kingdom and the results of his work have been disseminated in books and in national and international magazines. She is a reviewer in international publications such as the Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies and the Editorial Commission for Publications of the Communication Research Center (CICOM) of Costa Rica. In addition, she has been a guest lecturer in postgraduate courses and training seminars. Since 2017, she has been the Quality Coordinator of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and is responsible for monitoring innovation projects in Social Sciences. As a journalist, he has carried out most of his professional work at Agencia EFE and has collaborated on radio, press and television.

Paloma López Villafranca, University of Málaga

Paloma López Villafranca has a PhD and a degree in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism from the University of Malaga. Coordinator of Comutopia RTV, the radio station of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UMA and professor of podcasting, online radio and radio theater training courses of the General Foundation of the University of Malaga (FGUMA) since 2012. She has been director of the I International Workshop on Voiceover and Dubbing, I UMA International Radio Theater Congress (2019), IP of the Educational Innovation Project "The podcast as an educational and social awareness tool in the classroom" (2019-2021) and coordinator and teacher of the course " Create training content on YouTube and through podcasts". He has made various publications on sound formats and research stays at the Universities of Sheffield (England), Minho (Braga, Portugal) and the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).




How to Cite

Olmedo Salar, S., & López Villafranca, P. (2020). Analysis of a tourist city model according to according to the sources of the story: press versus citizen platforms. Speculation or development. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 9(19).


