Was the future ahead?
The future is no longer the continuation of the past. It wasn't before the great pandemic, let alone now that this unique (but repeatable) event has changed the deepest structures of society, beginning in the first place with a widespread fear of becoming seriously ill; and then, to the economic problems resulting from the mandatory confinement and the instantaneous change in behavior in people's consumption. This does not mean that the lessons learned in the past are not relevant. The problem is that staying "anchored" in that past because at some point it worked to generate well-being for society, and not evolve to a new paradigm that has been accelerated by the attack of this hidden enemy that is the virus.Keywords
strategy, pandemic, communicationDownloads
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(1) Friedman, T. (2018). Gracias por llegar tarde.
(2) Walsh, M. (2014). The Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas.
(3) Naciones Unidas (2018).
(4) Montenegro, D. Y Barragán, D., (2020). Parar a la fuerza, reinventarse como obligación: la
perspectiva ambiental del Covid-19.
How to Cite
Montenegro, D. I. (2020). Was the future ahead?. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 9(18). https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v9i18.22458