Augmented Reality in The New York Times: the experience of editorial content according to Brazilian audiences



This article analyzes and seeks to reflect on Brazilian users’ immersive experience with content available in virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR), on the New York Times. The goal is to verify the perception of the immersive news stories made available by the newspaper in two articles that deal with fashion and behavior: “Augmented Reality: David Bowie in three dimensions”, published on March 20, 2018, which examines the costumes of the musician and composer based on the catalog of the exhibition “David Bowie Is” and “Ashley Graham: unfiltered”, published on September 5, 2018, which explores digital imaging resources to illustrate the model’s interview on the plus size fashion theme and acceptance of the body. The text begins with a literature review and research on the adoption of such technology by journalistic vehicles and proposes a study based on the investigation of the meaning/pertinence of the simulations for the interpretation of contexts and themes in journalistic matters.  Additionally, the text questions how these technological resources affect the processes of communication and perception, through a research dynamic with a group of Brazilian volunteers, to verify how these new technological resources explore the degree of immersion and the strategies of these experiences, with the preliminary results described at the end.


Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, The New York Times, Journalism, Immersion


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Author Biographies

Paula Regina Puhl, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Ph.D. in Social Communication (PUCRS), professor and researcher at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, RS, Brazil. Professor and researcher at the faculty of social communication at PUCRS - Brazil, participant in the research groups GPEO (Research Group in Olympic Studies) and ViDiCa (Digital Audiovisual Culture).

Roberto Tietzmann, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Ph.D. in Social Communication (PUCRS), professor and researcher of the postgraduate programs in Social Communication of the School of Communication, Arts, and Design and Creative Writing of the School of Humanities in PUCRS. Is coordinator of the research group ViDiCa, Digital Audiovisual Culture, and Co-Coordinator of DaVint - interdisciplinary research laboratory of data visualization analysis. Teaches undergraduate disciplines on film editing and audiovisual production. Its primary interests are contact areas of audiovisual content, design, and technology.

Samara Kalil, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Ph.D. in Social Communication (PUCRS), Master in Social Communication (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, RS, Brazil - PUCRS), Specialist in Journalism with emphasis on New Media Management (ESPM), Journalist (Universidade de Passo Fundo - UPF). Performs research around imagery representations involving technology, such as holograms, projections and augmented reality. Member of ViDiCa research group at PUCRS.




How to Cite

Puhl, P. R., Tietzmann, R., & Kalil, S. (2020). Augmented Reality in The New York Times: the experience of editorial content according to Brazilian audiences. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 9(18).


