A game development environment to make 2D games




The creation of video games involves multidisciplinary processes that are not accessible to the general public. Currently, the development environments are very powerful tools, but they also require an advanced technical level to even start using them. This article presents a 2D game development environment to propose an alternative model to reduce the technical complexity existing in these systems, presenting a data model and a game editor that allows fulfilling this goal. In order to test its capabilities, several games have been successfully implemented in the proposed environment. With this achievement, it can be stated that it is possible to create video games simply and affordably for the general public without giving up its potential and remarking that there is still a long way to go to reach democratization in the creation of video games and the need to continue working in this field.


game, game theory, environment, 2D


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Author Biographies

Carlos Marín-Lora, Universitty of Jaume

Carlos Marin-Lora is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Jaume I the University of Castellón.He holds a degree in Multimedia Engineering from the University of Valencia in 2015 and a master in Intelligent Systems from the Jaume I the University. His research interest includes computer graphics and multimedia, game logic and game engines, artificial intelligence, behavior specification, pattern recognition, and web systems. He also works as Character and Creature FX artist for animation companies such as Ilion Animation Studios and Lightbox Studio.

Miguel Chover, Universitty of Jaume

Miguel Chover is Full Professor in the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at Jaume I University of Castellón. He received his PhD in computer science in the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1996. He is currently director of the Center for Interactive Visualization and member of the Institute of New Imaging Technologies of Jaume University I. His research lines include: geometric modeling, interactive visualization and video game technology. He is an active member of the Spanish Computer Graphics Association EUROGRAPHICS S.E and member of the executive committee of the Spanish Society for Video Game Sciences (SECiVi).

Cristina Rebollo, Universitty of Jaume

Cristina Rebollo is a professor at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón in Spain. She received her MS degree in Computer Science in 1988 from the University of Deusto of Bilbao, Spain. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, Spain in 2006. She is currently working at the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at the University Jaume I. Her research areas include multiresolution modeling, real-time visualization, video games, and virtual and augmented reality.

Inmaculada Remolar, Universitty of Jaume

Inmaculada Remolar received her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Universitat Jaume I in 2005. Currently, she is director of the Institute of New Imaging Technologies and associate professor at the Computer Languages and Systems Department at the Universitat Jaume I since 2008. Her research interests include geometric modeling, interactive visualization, and videogame technologies. In reference to these subjects, she has participated in numerous research projects, being IP of some of them. She has also participated in numerous projects with companies, where she has been involved in the application of the research to the business fields.





How to Cite

Marín-Lora, C., Chover, M., Rebollo, C., & Remolar, I. (2020). A game development environment to make 2D games. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 9(18). https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v9i18.22380


