Critical discourse analysis: the theme of Western Sahara in the written press as a model


  • Houda Berkani University of Hassan II


The main objective of this article is to highlight the difficulties that translators face when faced with a moral dilemma within the framework of their profession. In addition, it is proposed to present, succinctly, the role of the press as a means of social diffusion and its influence on the formulation of public opinion.Taking the events of Gdeim Izik as an aspect of the political situation in Morocco, a critical analysis of the discourse of the events is carried out based on two opinion articles published in the two Spanish newspapers with wide circulation: ABC and El País.


critical discourse analysis / fidelity / identity / newspaper / opinion / Gdeim Izik


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Author Biography

Houda Berkani, University of Hassan II

Researcher in translation and traductology, and doctoral student at the University of Casablanca. His thesis work revolves around discursive analysis as a mechanism to translate journalistic articles related to the Moroccan Sahara issue. He teaches Spanish for specific purposes at the National School of Commerce and Casablanca Management. It also collaborates with the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Casablanca in various research and educational projects. 




How to Cite

Berkani, H. (2019). Critical discourse analysis: the theme of Western Sahara in the written press as a model. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 8(16), 109.