The female characters in Entre visillos (TVE 1, 1974)
The analysis of the evolution of gender representation in television fiction is essential to understand the historical background of patriarchal society. The aim of this article is to study the role of female characters in the television series Entre visillos (TVE1, 1974), an adaptation of the 1957 novel by Carmen Martín Gaite. For which, a textual analysis of the 15 chapters that make up the fiction was carried out, in which the aim was to draw the profile of the protagonists, find out if they achieved their narrative goals and analyze their conversation topics. In addition, the classification of Jurado Morales (2003) on the types of realization to which the characters of Gaite's novels aspire to the characters of the television adaptation is applied. It is concluded that most of the protagonists are women of a high social class who, despite spending a lot of time talking about sentimental relationships, do not change their marital status throughout the narrative or achieve their objectives, which results in a sensation of stagnation and vital frustration that functions as a criticism of the repressive Francoist society at the end of the dictatorial regime.Keywords
Carmen Martín Gaite, Entre Visillos, Women, Characters, Television.Downloads
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