The reproduction of the judicial sentence «la manada» in the telenotícies and telediario. A comparative analysis guided by framing theory




The judicial sentence of Navarra’s Court of Justice known as .La Manada., becomes an opportunity to analyze whether the second edition of Telediario and Telenot.cies Vespre, the two most representative TV news programmes in Catalonia, reproduce -or not- and in what terms, a heteropatriarchal worldview in the recreation of this event. Based on a study of visual, oral and textual framing, a comparative analysis is carried out. The data and information obtained  are both confronted with the code of ethics and the document Recommendations on the treatment of gender violence in the media made by several catalan institutions. The results obtained invite to improve the journalistic praxis.


«La Manada», «Framing», «Agenda-setting», «gender», «violence», «heteropatriarchal»


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Author Biography

Frederic Pahisa Fontanals, UAB

Frederic Pahisa Fontanals is doctoral student in the Media, Communication program. and Culture of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he has worked as an associate professor. .s member of the board of the Societat Catalana de Comunicaci., subsidiary society of the Institute of Catalan Studies and Sicom (Solidarity and Communication). As a journalist, he has worked for several production companies and media. such as TV3, TVE, Mediapro and ComR.dio, among others. He currently works as program manager at betev., the television. public of Barcelona. Also .s m.ster in direction. and management of the information and knowledge in organizations by the UOC.




How to Cite

Pahisa Fontanals, F. (2019). The reproduction of the judicial sentence «la manada» in the telenotícies and telediario. A comparative analysis guided by framing theory. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 8(16), 49.