Female hypersexualization in the media as a showcase for beauty and success



Academic research has repeatedly pointed out that sports information behaves as an area that excludes professional women in sports, whose low media visibility does not correspond to either the growing participation or the successes achieved by women's sports in recent years. This study analyzes the presence of female athletes in the cover images in the Spanish regional press throughout the year 2018. The cover photograph is the main claim on the front page, which in turn reflects what are the editorial criteria followed by each medium. The analysis sample is made up of nine local newspapers that have prominent Sports sections: El Correo, El Diario Vasco, El Periódico, Diario de Navarra, Ideal de Granada, Heraldo de Aragón, La Vanguardia, La Verdad and La Voz de Galicia . In addition, for comparison, two national newspapers (El Mundo and El País) and one purely sports newspaper (Marca) are included. The results of the study indicate that the regional daily press gives more visibility to women athletes than national media and that they always show them in relation to their sport and without pejorative connotations in the textual and visual treatment of the information.


body image, short films, beauty, media, education


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Author Biography

Víctor Grande- López, University of Cádiz

Diploma in Tourism and Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of C.diz, professor and currently a PhD student in communication also from the University of C.diz and researcher in the Sej 590 Neuroscience research group , strategic communication and marketing. His research focuses on neuroscience and educommunication. Committed to university projects, he has been collaborating with Radio Educom, linked to the HUM 818 Education and Communication Research Group of the University of C.diz.





How to Cite

Grande- López, V. (2019). Female hypersexualization in the media as a showcase for beauty and success. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 8(16), 21. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v8i16.22356