The opportunity to use videos of experiments in chemistry classroom


  • Pep Anton Vieta University of Girona
  • Josep Duran University of Girona



Some threats the regarding to educational level and interest in science by citizens of our country only can be fought effectively by improving knowledge and the teaching of science at school. Several initiatives are being carried out and interesting proposals are being put into practice with the aim of improving the attention and interest of pre-university students in science as a first step towards improving their learning. Among them, one that is becoming more popular, is the use of the flipped classroom methodology and, with it, educational videos. In the context of the use of video as a didactic tool, this paper will present the project devised by the Chair of Scientific Culture and Digital Communication (C4D), the Department of Chemistry and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Girona (UdG), in agreement with the School of Audio-visual and Multimedia (ERAM) assigned to the UdG. “UAu, això és química!” (UAu, this is chemistry!) is a tool at the service of chemistry teachers comprised of a collection of short motivational videos that are ideal to begin a pre-university chemistry class.


education, chemistry, communication, videos


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Author Biographies

Pep Anton Vieta, University of Girona

He was born on May 5, 1966 in Girona. In 1999, he obtained a doctorate in science (chemistry) from the University of Girona. His research has focused on the study of catalysts with transition metals. Since 1991 he has been a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Girona. He has been the main researcher in two projects to improve teaching quality and has obtained the Jaume Vicens Vives collective distinction for university teaching quality. He is the author of several teaching and scientific popularization articles as well as the books "Geological Itineraries along the Costa Brava" and "Walk through the Invisible: Chemical Itinerary for Girona" and co-author of "Commented Recreational Science" and "The Culture of the MOOCs". He is currently the director of the Josep Pallach Institute of Education Sciences.

Josep Duran, University of Girona

Born in Blanes, birthplace of the Costa Brava, in 1986. Secondary science and mathematics teacher at Saint George's School. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Girona (2017), Master's in Secondary and High School Teacher Training, Professional Training and Language Teaching (UdG 2015), Master in Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Design (UdG 2011), Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (UdG 2009).




How to Cite

Anton Vieta, P., & Duran, J. (2018). The opportunity to use videos of experiments in chemistry classroom. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(14), 159.