The diverse functions of scientific dissemination: knowledge and citizenship




Scientific dissemination has different uses, beyond increasing the culture of the general population. This article exposes a few: to provide current knowledge that the majority of the population could not obtain while studying, to favor the social debate on the scientific advances and their applications or to facilitate criteria to face the pseudoscience and the frauds. Finally, the text briefly describes various ways to disseminate science.


science communication, science dissemination, knowledge, citizenship


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Author Biography

Xavier Duran Escribà, independent researcher

Scientific and chemical journalist. With a degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the UAB, he is dedicated to scientific journalism and the production of books of essays and scientific dissemination, as well as narrative, such as L'artista en el laboratori (Bromera, 2007), Connexions ambientales : from the ecological creep to the social change (Empúries, 2000) or El nacionalisme a l'era tecnològica (1994), for which he received the Joaquim Xirau essay prize. Editor of the TV3 programs El Medi Ambient and El Temps, he also collaborates in the magazines Serra d'Or and The Alchemist.




How to Cite

Duran Escribà, X. (2018). The diverse functions of scientific dissemination: knowledge and citizenship. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(14), 149.