VerTV: An educational experience in Television Competence applied to Chilean high school students.




Media Competences have settled within international discussion as a priority axis in the citizen formation and formal education context. Both European and Latin-American governments have started initiatives whose main objective is to provide citizens with tools that will allow them to undertake a critical stand regarding the communicative setting in which they are established. The Chilean case is placed in this reality and, thus, this investigation's purpose is aimed towards an even more specific niche such as education in Television Competence. The execution of the formation-education VerTV project, aimed towards high school students and teachers of the central-southern area of Chile, had the objective of educating within said competence creating theoretical-practical contents which, through participational methodologies will provide the participants with the necessary tools for its good use, stimulating a critic stand within this context. After the project execution, surveys and interviews were carried out to obtain information that allows for a deeper understanding of their performance, the value that the participants assign to the educational experience that they were presented with, as well as the importance of the Television Competence regarding its mastering and relevance in the development of better equipped citizens against the challenges that media and communicational surroundings present.


Digitalization, Education, Media, Television.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Rivera Careaga, Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception

Audiovisual Communicator. Graduate in Social Communication. Master in Communication and Audiovisual Education (UNIA/Spain) and in Strategic Communication from the Universidad del Pacífico. Doctoral student in Media Research from the Carlos III University (Madrid). Academic and researcher of the Department of Communication Sciences of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción. Member of Red Alfamed Chilean chapter.

Mario Andrés Montaner Bastías, Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception

Journalist. Graduate in Social Communication and Master in Creative Communication from the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción (UCSC). Academic and researcher of the Department of Communication Sciences of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción and of the Master in Creative Communication. Interim Coordinator Red Alfamed Chilean chapter.




How to Cite

Rivera Careaga, M., & Montaner Bastías, M. A. (2018). VerTV: An educational experience in Television Competence applied to Chilean high school students. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(14), 123.