Reinterpretation of the interaction between the country brand Essential Costa Rica and the licensed hotel companies, within the framework of a brand architecture from Public Relations
The Essential Costa Rica brand is the first formally planned to position the different sectors of the country, including tourism. The concern then arises as to how the Costa Rican country brand manages relations in this area, a complex environment with a multiplicity of actors. This research proposes a theoretical approach to the study of a country brand from public relations, redefining the role of the discipline, allowing it to move from a positioning tool to the central axis of management. Therefore, it establishes a precedent in research on public relations and country branding. For the development of this study, the interaction of the country brand with its licensed hotel companies was structured through the theory of brand architecture. One of the main results is that licensing is limited to an administrative process, but has the potential to build beneficial relationships; The application of a theoretical model for the management of Esencial Costa Rica from public relations is exposed. This link is restructured in a brand architecture proposal reinterpreted from public relations that designs a canvas to project the future of Esencial Costa Rica through the organization of the wide and diverse range of actors: licensed companies (characteristics, needs and strengths or different opportunities).Keywords
Brand Architecture, Essential Costa Rica, Brand Management, Country Brand, Public Relations, TourismDownloads
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