The professional profile of communication managers: a study on Galician organizations
The communication function, although historically recent, takes shape, establishes itself and evolves in the organizational charts of a wide variety of organizations. The figure of their leader also undergoes changes in the roles they play and in the demands on their characteristics, attributions, and attitudes. The reference study on your professional profile in Spain is usually carried out based on Dircom data and its five-year reports. Less addressed is its role in the organizations of peripheral communities, with an organizational fabric that experiences other types of needs. The present work addresses this question framed in the territorial scope of Galicia through the survey methodology. Its coverage area includes companies, institutions (also Third Sector organizations) and communication agencies. This will facilitate the comparative purpose. The results point to convergent and divergent indicators with those portrayed at the Spanish level. The work concludes that the name of the position has not been settled; a feminization of the superior profession is located in the institutional and consulting fields; the age range of the responsibility is located in that of 40 years; they come mainly from the journalistic field for companies and institutions, advertising and public relations for consulting; most of them lack postgraduate training; they demand training in the online field, social networks, strategy and planning.Keywords
Direction of communication, director of communication, corporate communication, survey, GaliciaDownloads
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