The curricular internships define the profiles and competencies for the labor market in public relations




The study by Carretón and Lorenzo (2016) reveals the relationship between the professional profiles that companies with an internship agreement with the University of Alicante ask of students and the skills that they, as graduates of the Advertising degree and Public Relations, must achieve. This study, which covers the following two academic years, seeks to describe the evolution of this relationship, as well as to find out what are the tasks that organizations entrust to students and their affinity with the professional profiles defined in the White Paper on Advertising and Public Relations.


Business practice, Public relations, Professional profiles, Skills.


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Author Biographies

Mª Carmen Carretón-Ballester, Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Alicante

PhD from the University of Alicante where she teaches public relations in the degree of Advertising and Public Relations although she has been a university professor since 1998 and a professor in different master's degrees from 2002 to the present. His lines of work and scientific contributions are developed in the research group "public relations, social responsibility and communication with minorities" that he has directed since 2005 at the University of Alicante.

Francisco Lorenzo-Sola, Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Alicante

PhD from the University of Alicante, Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Journalism from the University of Murcia. Specialist in institutional communication and relations with the media, performing the role of spokesperson in the Public Administration for 23 years. Vice President of Public Relations of the Illustrious Official College of Advertisers and Public Relations of the Valencian Community. Participate in teaching innovation and R+D+i projects. Professor at the University of Alicante (Department of Communication and Social Psychology), and academic tutor (Vice Dean for External Business Practices).




How to Cite

Carretón-Ballester, M. C., & Lorenzo-Sola, F. (2018). The curricular internships define the profiles and competencies for the labor market in public relations. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(15), 105.


