Professional models and Advertising and Public Relations university degrees in Spain from the point of view of Public Relations (2017-2018)
This research identifies and analyzes the curricula
of higher education degrees specialized
in Advertising and Public Relations -or their
equivalents- in Spain, during the 2017-2018
academic year, to check if there have been
modifications of improvement in the number
of specific subjects of public relations with
respect to advertising, from the first deployment
of the EHEA to nowadays. In 2017-2018,
a total of 33 degrees were identified with the
terms “advertising” and “public relations” in
their naming. Out of the total of specific advertising
and public relations subjects taught,
68.99% were about advertising and 31.01%
about public relations. In the third deployment
of the EHEA in the Spanish university
system (2017-2018) the number of specific
subjects of public relations are lesser with
respect to advertising. It is verified that this
situation of numerical inferiority is still maintained
from the old bachelor’s degrees prior
to the implementation of the Bologna Plan. It
is noted that the degree training in Advertis
ing and Public Relations is a minority among
communication managers, for the benefit of
Journalism, so the professional models prevalent
in Spain are of a technical nature: that
of press agent and public information (Grunig
and Grunig, 1989; Grunig, 1989).
Advertising, degrees, EHEA, professionalization, public relations, SpainDownloads
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