An expanded perspective for Public Relations in the articulation between private and public interest


  • Heloiza Matos e Nobre University of Sao Paulo
  • Maria José da Costa Oliveira Postdoctoral fellow at PPGCom/School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo. She worked as a teacher and coordinator of communication courses in higher education institutions. He chaired ABRAPCORP - Brazilian Association of Researchers in Organizational Communication and Public Relations in the period 2016-2018. She is a member and vice coordinator of Compol - Research Group in Public Communication and Policies. She is the author of books and articles.



This article analyzes public relations from a critical perspective, in the midst of the obscurity of the limits between the organizational and public spheres, since said activity maintains its link with democracy, when it contributes to building strategic relationships based on communication resources, but also based on changes in the standards of citizen participation. Therefore, public relations strategies and policies can be extended to extrapolate organizational interests, especially in a democratic context where the focus is on the citizen, who is no longer a simple recipient - but a subject in the process. Therefore, demands arise for relationships that allow dialogue, participation and deliberation towards decision-making in public and private environments. However, public relations practices are subject to criticism as they seem to prioritize business or political interests, sparking discussion about whether they could coexist with democracy. Here the exploratory-descriptive study is based on bibliographical research, which is guided by the concepts of understanding, conflict resolution and discourse; all from Jürgen Habermas' Theory of Communicative Action (1984, 1987). The approaches to the public sphere and deliberative democracy were also based on Habermas, and on the authors who had him as their main reference. On the other hand, the critical approach to public relations was found in the works of Gonçalves (2007) and Peruzzo (1986, 2004, 2009). The concept of social capital, treated as evidence of links between groups that may be (in)directly linked to organizations, was based on Putnam (1997) and Matos (2007, 2009). The intertwining of these concepts results in the necessary commitment of public relations with the public interest, democratic values and the construction of citizenship.


Citizenship, Democracy, Public Sphere, Public Relations, Social Capital


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Author Biographies

Heloiza Matos e Nobre, University of Sao Paulo

Professor and Senior Researcher of the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo. Coordinator of the Research Group in Public Communication and Policies - COMPOL. He has taught courses on Public Communication and Political Communication, and supervised Master's, Doctorate and Postdoctoral research for Journalists, Public Relations and Advertisers. He has publications in Brazil and internationally. 

Maria José da Costa Oliveira, Postdoctoral fellow at PPGCom/School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo. She worked as a teacher and coordinator of communication courses in higher education institutions. He chaired ABRAPCORP - Brazilian Association of Researchers in Organizational Communication and Public Relations in the period 2016-2018. She is a member and vice coordinator of Compol - Research Group in Public Communication and Policies. She is the author of books and articles.

University of Sao Paulo




How to Cite

Matos e Nobre, H., & da Costa Oliveira, M. J. (2018). An expanded perspective for Public Relations in the articulation between private and public interest. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(15), 9.


