The abolition of patriarchy in the work of Jane Austen and its representation in film adaptations


  • Irene Romero González Independent Researcher



The influence of Jane Austen’s novels goes beyond literature,

reaching a support that she didn’t even come to know: the

film. In her novels, Austen introduces pioneering feminist

ideas making son that make one of the first women who tried

to change the habits and customs of her peers. This work

examines the vindication of female independence and the

abolition of patriarchy in her novels and in six film

adaptations. To do this, studies how Austen eliminates

patriarchy because it is not good for the emancipation of

women and how adaptations of her work represent heroines

far away from parental authority and submission.


Feminism, adaptations, Jane Austen, patriarch


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Author Biography

Irene Romero González, Independent Researcher

Independent Researcher




How to Cite

Romero González, I. (2012). The abolition of patriarchy in the work of Jane Austen and its representation in film adaptations. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 1(01), 87–96.


