Evolution and practice of literary texts in SLA


  • Hamdan Ali Al-Shehri Institute of Diplomatic Studies of Riyadh



 An intelligent use of the possibilities of literary texts is

becoming nowadays more and more accepted in educational

circles. Not only the literary text requires a major

commitment from the student, but it also provides coherence

among activities and the communicative competence of the

student in SLA. By including a wide variety of literary text and

some specific activities, we boost the grammatical, linguistic

and communicative competences of the student on the one

hand, and test the linguistic skills of the student on the other.

This paper analyses the best options to deal with activities and

literary text efficiently while taking into account the short

period for lecturers.


Pedagogical tool, multiple intelligences, linguistic skills, the SQ3R Reading Method


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Author Biography

Hamdan Ali Al-Shehri, Institute of Diplomatic Studies of Riyadh

Dr. at the Institute of Diplomatic Studies of Riyadh





How to Cite

Al-Shehri, H. A. (2012). Evolution and practice of literary texts in SLA. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 1(01), 39–52. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v1i01.22136


