Legal regulation evolution of the publicity on medicines in Spain (2001-2011)
The evolution of the legal regulation of medicines publicity in
Spain has undergone significant advances and consolidation
along the decade 2001-2011.
The key element in this ordering is the Directive 2001/83/EC
on the publicity of medicinal products for human use. This
European Directive has been built, during this period, in all
the countries of the European Union, so with it was put the
bases to contribute to provide legal certainty to the interests of
consumers and users and of the pharmaceutical industry in its
attempt to use publicity and promotion as a tool to increase it
In these ten years, the Directive has been amended four times,
with the adding of small contributions.
In the last revision was re-consider the proposal represented
by the pharmaceutical industry lobby to allow the direct
“information” to consumers. Previously, the European
Parliament rejected a similar proposal about the possibility to
offer direct publicity to consumer, as happens in the United
States and New Zealand.
This chapter analyzes the evolution of regulation of advertising
of medicines and concludes with the synthesis of the current
regulation in 2011.
Publicity, medicines, evolution, legal regulationDownloads
Iráculis, N. (2008): La publicidad de los medicamentos.
Revista del Derecho de la Competencia y
la Distribución. Monografía nº 2/2008. Madrid, La
Jiménez, A. et al. (2011): Guía del SNS para la publicidad
de medicamentos de huso humano dirigida
al público. Madrid, Ministerio de Sanidad, Política
Social e Igualdad.
Olivera, P. (2007): Comentarios y concordancias a
la Ley de Garantías y Uso Racional de los Medicamentos
y Productos Sanitarios. Pamplona, Thomson-