Participation and contribution through an ethical design: Second Life platform


  • David Serra Navarro University of Girona



New technologies are a key part of social

transformations and brings new challenges to the

political scene. In this context, in a complex process

of globalization, we open a set of reflections on the

medium in which information circulates, and how it

determines a certain logic in the user's

communication. Paralleling, through Second Life

virtual world and social networking services, aims

to establish a framework for discussing the

possibilities of space-network, its mechanisms of

democratic engagement and the importance of

ethical design of the different network platforms,

showing us their communication modes.


Public space, virtual world, digital democracy, digital ethics, online engagement, interactive communication, cultural consumption


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Author Biography

David Serra Navarro, University of Girona

Prof. Dr. at the UdG




How to Cite

Serra Navarro, D. (2013). Participation and contribution through an ethical design: Second Life platform. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 2(03), 11–21.

