Democratization and new forms of power arround the community radio in Mozambique
Based on the case study of 6 community radio stations
in Mozambique this research exposes the different
kinds of social power arising from the implementation
of this media in small societies. The
community radio is catalyst for democracy that
opens possibilities and acces to knowledge, as well
as creating new positions of social prestige and symbolic
power for community members who haven’t
had it before. These local radios are a tool for development
that mediate between users and modify
their practices, hierarchical structures and empower
the groups studied to achive their goals.
The different ways to exercise the newly established
power becomes a dynamic between the media and
the society whitin which it works. Moreover, the
community radio concept is widely linked to new
scientific knowledge and to the community’s overall
development, to such an extent that there is a kind
of materialistic confusion where technology is seen
as a solution for all the problems of these small Mozambican
Participation, democracy, community radio, empowermentDownloads
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