Hybrid strategic identities as gendered resources in french politics (Martine Aubry and Marine Le Pen)
Many researchers such as Sineau (2001), Bertini (2002), Achin
et al (2007) have been for years denouncing the “male norm or
the male political order” in French politics. They also argue that
explanations for such a gendered field should not be based on
status differences between men and women but should focus on
how dominant relationships differentiate male behavior and
female behavior in politics. In this paper, we examine how, in
their 2012 presidential campaigns, Martine Aubry (a socialist
leader) and Marine Le Pen (an extreme-right party leader)
adopted traditionally masculine strategic identities, and how
these were portrayed in the French press. Both female politicians
were known for their ‘toughness’; however Aubry was
noted as being emotional, while Le Pen was seen to emphasize
family life. They embodied a ‘femininity with a twist’. In order
to examine the reception of such hybrid personas in journalistic
discourse, we examine articles published in the French mainstream
press, using quantitative and qualitative approaches. We
point out the shared and different strategies and conclude on the
periperformativity on the part of the newspapers as far as these
‘gender acts’ are concerned
French politics, masculinity, Aubry, Le Pen, androgyny, periperformativity.Downloads
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