Body Art. Body and Corporal Space. The artistic actions done with the body creates new space based realities considered art




This article is an investigation whose objective is the study of the so-called Body Art, where artists use the body placing it on space and using it as corporal architecture. We justify this study because the Performance Art works done by the artists articulate some works which investigates the relationship between space-time and the body; some pieces show how the body action creates space. Based on symbolic analysis proposed by Victor Turner as the methodology for this study, we analyze the works of the pioneering artists in this form of artistic creation, demonstrating that were parts of what is now known by the generic name of Performance Art. We arrived at different conclusions in this study: that the Body Art is the language of expression of Performance Art; in all the works analyzed the artist's body is the dominant symbol; the most outstanding feature of Body Art is the provocation of the viewer; the works analyzed exhibit an ephemeral value and a hybrid character as different artistic expressions are combined to produce the work (bodily action, music, video, film and television projections); artistic actions do not produce any art object that can be bought or sold, the action done by the body in space is the artwork.


body, space, Performance Art, Body Art, symbols


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• Jones, A. and Warr, T. (2000). The Artist's
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• Kaprow, A. (1996). Essays on the Blurring of
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• Lewitt, S. (1967). “Paragraphs on conceptual
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• Martínez Muñoz, A. (2000). De Andy Warhol
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• Merleau-Ponty, M. (1985). Fenomenología de
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Ediciones sin Nombre
• Aznar Almazán, S. (2000). El arte de acción. 2ª
ed., San Sebastián: Nerea
• Fernández-Cid, M. (2000). “Rebecca Horn
en el CGAC”, en el catálogo de la exposición
Rebecca Horn. Santiago de Compostela:
Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea
• Ferrando, B. (2009). El Arte de la Performance.
Elementos de Creación. Valencia: Mahali
• Foucault M. (1995). Discipline and Punish: The
Birth of the Prison. 2nd Edition. New York,
Canada: Vintage
• Goldberg, R. (2002). Performance Art.
Barcelona: Destino
• Gómez-Peña, G. (2005). “En defensa del arte
del performance”. Horizontes Antropológicos.
[online]. Vol.11. Nº 24, pp. 199-226. ISSN
0104-7183. Traducido del inglés por Silvia
Peláez. Recibido el 31/05/2005. Aprobado
el 04/07/2005
71832005000200010. Consultado
• Jones, A. and Warr, T. (2000). The Artist's
Body. London: Phaidon Press Limited
• Kaprow, A. (1996). Essays on the Blurring of
Art and Life. 2nd ed. California: University of
California Press.
• Lewitt, S. (1967). “Paragraphs on conceptual
art”. Artforum. vol.10. p. 80
• Martínez Muñoz, A. (2000). De Andy Warhol
a Cindy Sherman. Arte del Siglo XX-2.
Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Merleau-Ponty, M. (1985). Fenomenología de
la Percepción. Traducción: Jem Cabanes.
Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini
• Morgan, R. C. (2003). Art Into Ideas: Essays
On Conceptual Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
• Morgan, R. C. (2011). Bruce Nauman. New
York: PAJ Publications
• Piper, A. (2003). “Hypothesis” en el catálogo
de la exposición Adrian Piper. Desde 1965.
Barcelona: MACBA. pp. 17-18.
• Real Academia Española. (2015). Diccionario
on line. Disponible en
olipsismo. Consultado: 17.06.2015
• Salinas, D. (1994). “La Construcción Social
del Cuerpo”. Reis: Revista Española de
Investigaciones Sociológicas. Nº. 68. (Ejemplar
dedicado a: Perspectivas en Sociología del
Cuerpo). pp. 85-96. Madrid: Ayuntamiento
de Madrid
• Tarcisio, E. (2001). Con el Cuerpo por Delante:
47882 minutos de performance. México: Ex
• Turner, V. (1980). La Selva de los Símbolos:
Aspectos del Ritual Ndembu. España: Siglo XXI
• Vergine, L. (2000). Body Art and Performance:
The Body As Language. Milan: Skira Editore
• Zerpa, C. “Lo que vi, lo que escuché, lo que
viví, lo que rozó mi piel” en Alcázar, J. y
Fuentes, F. (2005). Performance y Arte-Acción
en América Latina. México: Citro. Ex Teresa.
Ediciones sin Nombre

Author Biography

Celia Balbina Fernández Consuegra, King Juan Carlos University

Prof. at the King Juan Carlos University




How to Cite

Balbina Fernández Consuegra, C. (2015). Body Art. Body and Corporal Space. The artistic actions done with the body creates new space based realities considered art. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 4(06), 32–46.


