Communication styles in students of Sciences of the communication of the Universidad national of the center of the Peru




The classical theory of communication styles Gudykunst et al (1994) considers that consists of the assessment of speech and direct communication, and this may be useful to explain the behavior of college students from the communication style that characterized. The study achieved the validity and reliability Style Questionnaire Communication Gudykunst et al (1994) provides scales for diagnosis, it characterizes the style of communication and determine the existence of differences according semester of study in a sample of 70 students the career of Communication Sciences of the National University of Central Peru (UNCP). Throughout the communication style, 83.1% have scores of 24 more, which would indicate that a large majority values the positive speech and prefers direct communication. Two-thirds (61.45%) of the subjects valued greatly appreciate speech and communication as they have scores equal to or greater than 13. In direct communication, we note that 60.0% have scores of 14 unless what They indicate that most examinees belong to a communicational culture of hierarchical and collectivist high distance, but 28.6% had scores equal to or greater than 16 indicating that this minority has a communicational culture of low hierarchical and individualistic distance. The style found high valuation speech and preference for direct communication (aggressive communication) correspond to an authoritarian leadership style, which explains the ease of taking them to actions of force measures through short and direct expressions, beyond that they can be corroborated in its veracity. Studies are needed on larger samples and from the results obtained improve the academic training of students, organizing messages based communication style that characterizes.


Communication Styles, validit, assessment speaks, direct communication, college students


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Author Biographies

Gaspar Mendez, UNCP

Psychologist and Master in Educational Psychology from UNMSM, Principal Professor in research subjects in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UNCP

Sandro Suarez, Simón Bolívar Andean University

Journalist, writer and university professor, Master in Communication Technologies with a mention in Education Virtual by Simón Bolívar Andean University

Jhony Raúl Carhuallanqui, National University of Central Peru

Communicator from the National University of Central Peru and professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the Communication-Huancayo




How to Cite

Mendez, G., Suarez, S., & Carhuallanqui, J. R. (2016). Communication styles in students of Sciences of the communication of the Universidad national of the center of the Peru. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 5(10), 115–132.


