Dialogue of knowledge between academia and social actors. Experiences to re-create the curriculum of communication




Present article show the experience of introduction the social movement of women victims of the Colombian armed conflict, Association Mothers of the Candelaria, in the classrooms of the Faculty of Social Communication of the University Foundation Luis Amigó. The research process was developed over two academic semesters. The use of dialogic communication methodology derived in the purpose of to generate closeness between students and women victims of armed conflict, around the living memory linking regulated knowledge, established in the curriculum, and the practical experiencie of communication aimed to collective action into the social movement. The meetings resulted in a greater awareness of the effects of war among students, increased sensitization and mobilizing commitment to the victims.


dialogue, experience, memory, curriculum, women, victims.


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Author Biography

Alba Shirley Tamayo Arango, Luis Amigó University Foundation, Colombia

Dr., Faculty of Communication, Advertising and Design





How to Cite

Tamayo Arango, A. S. (2016). Dialogue of knowledge between academia and social actors. Experiences to re-create the curriculum of communication. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 5(10), 27–37. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v5i10.22034


