China’s image and representation in the Spanish press in the 1960s and 1970s: the case of ABC




Over the 20th century print media appears

as one of the most important opinion-generating

agent. Besides its role as primary source,

it can be used to value how China, in the

broadest sense, and “the chineseness” are

perceived. The author tries to inquire about

the different represented nuances on the

press that build the perception of China in the

imaginary of the Spanish society during 60’s

and 70’s. For this study, references in ABC

newspaper which contain the word “China”

from these years have been analyzed. ABC

was the widest print circulation newspaper in

Madrid and the second one in Spain. The aim

is to examinate how the press have influenced

the construction of an imaginary of China,

which carries the traditional clich.s (mysterious,

hermetic, mystic) and adds some news

more suited for Cold War context. Finally, the

author reviews the modelling of China as a

multilateral menace for western countries

(racial, social, political, religious and military

menace); and how this menace fits not only 

in the anti-communist paranoia but also in

the second half 20th century’s post-colonial



20th century, China, image, perceptions, press, Spain


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Author Biography

Sergio Sánchez Fraile, independent researcher

independent researcher




How to Cite

Sánchez Fraile, S. (2017). China’s image and representation in the Spanish press in the 1960s and 1970s: the case of ABC. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 6(11), 89–108.


