Ghosts that don’t give you the shivers. Photography of spectres as a creative influence




So-called ghost photography, in which the appearance of a being from a different world or dimension (from the realm of the dead or other variations) is supposedly captured in the negative or on the plate, is one of the most successful subgenres and has one of the longest traditions in photography. We can trace it back to almost the birth of the medium and it has survived until the present day. However, despite its enduring appeal, it has not been the object of much academic study, perhaps due to prejudice related to its origins in popular beliefs related to magic. Nonetheless, it is a paradigmatic example of the idiosyncrasy of photography itself, often regarded as a trace and, consequently, as a ghost image. On the other hand, the spectral subgenre has been instrumental in investigating the ontology of photography and stretching it to its limits, with dematerializations of the objects presented. In this article I will defend how this visual motif, related to spectres in some of its variations, ended up moving into the artistic domain. Photography manipulated with ectoplasmic material has seduced many artists, especially those belonging to avant-garde movements such as surrealism, which was already by its very nature interested in the supernatural, as well as later artists who were also inspired by this artistic movement.


photography, ghost, visual motive, Avant-garde, dematerialization


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1. Enlace con la escena aquí. ivan kireev (2007). Andrei Tarkovsky – Offret (1986). [Enlace
vídeo]. Recuperado en [última consulta,
2. Imagen Edouard Buguet y el supuesto espíritu del escritor Gerard de Nerval (1873),
enlace aquí. Aisha (sin datos del año), Edouard Buguet, Ghost of poet Gerard de
Nerval with mister Dumont.[Fotografía]. Recuperado de
pin/42221315229938645/. [Última consulta, 5/04/17].
3. Y no circunscritas únicamente a la tradición visual europea, sino que su búsqueda de
pautas estructurales se extendió a otras culturas (Baixauli, 2016: 12).
4. Sobre la raíz phôs de phantasia, Aristóteles, Acerca del alma, III, 427a-429a. (Aristóteles,
1978: 222-229). Sobre la etimología de fantasma,
fantasma [última consulta, 5-4-17].
5. Fotografía de William Hope (hacia 1920), enlace aquí. Mark Duell for MailOnline (2017),
Figures: Mr Hope was part of the infamous Crewe Circle, a spiritualist photography
group in the Cheshire town [Fotografía]. Recuperado de
uploads/2015/11/spirit-photo-hope-family.jpg. [Última consulta, 5/4/17].
6. Imagen Daguerre, Boulevard du temple (1838), enlace aquí. MichaelMaggs (2008).
Boulevard du Temple, Paris. [Fotografía]. Recuperado de
Daguerre.jpg [Última consulta, 5/4/17].
7. Véanse las teorías chamánicas sobre el arte plástico de los orígenes de Clottes y
Lewis-Williams en Los chamanes de la prehistoria.
8. Autorretrato de Robert Cornelius (1839), enlace aquí. Earthsound (2009). Robert Cornelius.
[Fotografía]. Recuperado en
archive/9/90/20090602174631%21RobertCornelius.jpg [Última consulta 5/4/17].
9. Fotografía de W. Mumler de la mujer de Abraham Lincoln con el supuesto fantasma del
marido (1869), enlace aquí. Sneha Girap (2017). William H. Mumler. [Fotografía]. Recuperado
en [Última consulta
10. Fotografía de W. Hope con la señora Longcake y al espíritu de su cuñada (década
de 1930), enlace aquí. Troy Taylor (2008). A fairly standard spirit photograph of days
past. This was taken by William Hope of a Mrs. Longcake and what was alleged to be
her deceased sister in law. [Fotografía]. Recuperado en
ph_history1.jpg [Última consulta 5/4/17].
11. A esos vínculos entre esoterismo y surrealismo se dedican estudios como Surrealism
and the Occult, de Tessel Bauduin, The Esoteric Secrets of Surrealism, de Patrick Lepetit,
Surrealism & the Occult, de Nadia Choucha, entre los citados en el artículo.
12. Entre otros ejemplos de influjo de la tradición ocultista, para Lepetit la lectura de obras
cabalistas aportó a Breton un dominio de lo mágico útil para reactivar los grandes mitos
humanos (Lepetit, 2014: 436).
13. Como por ejemplo, en Da Dandy, de Hannah Höch (1919), enlace aquí, con esos varios
rostros recortados de otras imágenes y que flotan alrededor del cuerpo principal. Grade
3 (2016). Hoch-Da-Dandy. [Collage fotografía]. Recuperado en https://menloparkart. [Última consulta 5/4/17].
14. Man Ray, Demain (1923). Imagen de la obra, enlace aquí. Arquivos-arte (2014). RAY, Man
Demain (Nude Kiki) 1923. [Secuencia 4 fotografías]. Recuperado en https://image.slidesharecdn.
jpg?cb=1411757513 [última consulta 5-4-17].
15. Floris Neusüss, Stuhlpaar (1962), enlace aquí. Schupmann Collection (sin datos). Stuhlpaar,
1962. [Fotografía]. Recuperado en:
[última consulta 5-4-17].
16. Clarence John Laughlin, “The Search of identity #2”, Poems of the Interior World, (1940),
enlace aquí. Michel Koven (2014). The Search of identity #2. [Fotografía]. Recuperado
en [última
consulta, 5-4-17].
17. Fotografía de Albert von Schrenck-Notzing de la mèdium Stanislawa P., (25 enero 1913),
enlace aquí. Catherine Darley (2012). Sin titulo. [Fotografía]. Recuperado en http://www. [Última consulta 5/4/17].
18. Clarence John Laughlin, “Elegy for Moss Land”, Ghosts Along the Mississippi (1940),
enlace aquí. Michel Koven (2013). Ghosts Along the Mississippi. [Fotografía]. Recuperado
jpg [última consulta, 5-4-17].
19. Eva Rubinstein, Autorretrato detrás de una silla blanca (1972), enlace aquí. Shakira
Duarte (2017). Autorretrato. [Fotografía]. Recuperado en
wp-content/uploads/2013/10/02-Eva-Rubinstein.jpg [Última consulta 5/4/17].
20. Como anécdota, Michals retrató a Eva Rubinstein soñando con sus hijos.
21. Duane Michals, Man as Spirit (1972), enlace aquí. Kinneret (2015). Duane Michals, Man
as Spirit… love this. So metaphysical and beatiful [Fotografía]. Recuperado de https://
[última consulta 5-4-17].
22. Duane Michals, Death comes to the Old Lady (1969), enlace aquí. The GROUND Editors
(2016). Death comes to the Old Lady [Secuencia fotográfica]. Recuperado de http:// [última
consulta 5-4-17].
23. Jeff Wall, Dead Troops Talk (1992), enlace aquí. Don Bullock (2011), Dead Troops Talk by
Jeff Wall [Fotografía]. Recuperado de
FI/AAAAAAAAACE/U6Cn2WAWBnc/s1600/rm8_dead_troops_lrg.jpg [última consulta
24. A. Deane, Armistice Day (1924), enlace aquí. The Paranormal Guide (2013). The 1924
Armistice Day Photo [Fotografía]. Recuperado de
uploads/1/7/3/8/17382059/7664498.jpg?380 [última consulta 5/4/17].

Author Biography

Roger Ferrer Ventosa, University of Girona

PhD student with FPU contract at the University of Girona. Graduate in Art History and own degree from the University of Girona in Audiovisual Communication. In his doctoral thesis, he is studying the relationship between magical thinking and art theory, with special attention to the role of imagination and his language through images. He has won some literary prizes and published the fantastic genre novel La cachadora de sueños.




How to Cite

Ferrer Ventosa, R. (2017). Ghosts that don’t give you the shivers. Photography of spectres as a creative influence. Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 6(12), 11–27.


