False-science (pseudoscience) in the mass media. A study of the discursive strategies of social insertion in the Spanish press(2011-2016)




Pseudoscience is understood as “false science” or “that which claims to be conceived as scientific without being so”. As a piece of essential cohesion in a democratic society, the media have the responsibility to ensure the imperative need to educate and inform the population with rigor and adherence to true knowledge about social news. Although sometimes this premise doesn't correspond to reality, when inserting pseudoscientific content in its media agenda. The present study aims to identify the social insertion strategies of pseudoscience through the empirical analysis of the Spanish press coverage between June 2011 and May 2016. The results obtained show a majority of pieces contrary to pseudoscience, but there is still some permissiveness on the part of the press. The pseudoscientific discourse is characterized by using a more emotional and direct language to pass on beliefs as scientific evidence. In order to improve this situation it is necessary, on behalf of scientists and scientific journalists, to pay greater attention to the diffusion of solid and robust scientific information that enables the formation of a critical judgment on pseudoscience. The authors also propose that the term pseudoscience be replaced by false science, since it would be clearer and would help to capture the full depth of this concept.


pseudoscience, mass media, press, dissemination of science, scientific communication


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Author Biographies

Sergi Cortiñas Rovira, Universitty of Pompeu Fabra

PhD in Social Communication, he is a professor and researcher in the Department of Communication at UPF. At the moment, he is an associate professor (hired a doctor) and vice-dean-director of Journalism studies at the university. Currently and until December 31, 2017, he is the principal investigator of a project on pseudoscience and society (CSO 2014-54614; 2015-2017) competitive R&D of MINECO. As a researcher, he is specialized in the field of pseudoscience, false knowledge, scientific journalism and the dissemination of science. Director of the Scientific Communication Observatory (OCC) and director of the Degree in Journalism (UPF).

Miguel Ángel Moya Arrabal, Universitty of Pompeu Fabra

Associate researcher of the Grup de Recerca en Comunicación Científica (GRECC), of the Department of Communication of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Miguel is a Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a Master's Degree in Food Safety from the University of Barcelona (UB), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). His professional relationship with the GRECC began in 2016, and to date he has carried out research tasks in the field of food, pseudoscience and false knowledge.





How to Cite

Cortiñas Rovira, S., & Moya Arrabal, M. Ángel. (2018). False-science (pseudoscience) in the mass media. A study of the discursive strategies of social insertion in the Spanish press(2011-2016). Communication Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies., 7(13), 129–144. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/cp.v7i13.21988


