Metodological tools for the Media Literacy research in Mass Media professionals
We are living in a time when the information society has mutated
greatly. Nowadays, we cannot speak anymore about isolated
communication media but a hypermedia context, which surrounds
and affects us at all times. Correspondingly, the assessment
of media competition in the communication professionals
has become mandatory. Hence, the present article describes the
design of a sample of communication professionals. We attempt
having the largest number of media profiles, specifically according
to their professional expertise, namely information, fiction or
marketing. To achieve our aim we need to integrate the traditional
media (press, radio and TV) with a number of other novel
ever-changing media, which currently constitute the hypermedia
Once the sample selection is shown, the next step consists of
choosing the most accurate methodological tool to gauge our
subject of study: the perception of the Media Literacy level in
today’s communication professionals. Thus, the following part in
our article is focused on developing an “in-deep interview” script.
This will be the methodology to follow in our Research & Development
National Project, which has been conducted since 2010,
and whose ultimate objective is the Media Literacy assessment
among the communication professionals within our country.
Media Competence, Mass media proffesionals, in-deep interview, hypermedia, Media LiteracyDownloads
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