The political representation in high-end women magazines: a case study
The increasing speculation that the policy has experienced in
the evolution of its relationship with media and citizens has
become a major source of content for mass media that intends
to provide informative products blended with entertainment.
About this dominant trend known as "infotainment", most
research is linked to the advancement of television, which has
generated a false feeling of emptiness on the existence of “soft
news” about politicians (and specifically about women politicians),
in printed media.
Given the lack of scientific background to explain the presence
of the phenomenon beyond the television market, this study
analyzes the representation of male and female leaders in highend
women's magazines (RFAG) 'Glamour', 'Telva', 'Woman'
, 'Elle' and 'Vogue', through interviews published in 2011 on
the occasion of the elections to the Spanish Parliament.
From a comparative and gender perspective, the objective of
this analysis seeks to highlight the proliferation of a particular
format: the “soft interview”, composed of personal questions
alternated with professional questions, with a greater role of
the first option when the gender of the interviewee is female.
Infotainment, women magazines, political communication, framing.Downloads
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