Papers. Media Literacy and Gender Studies.2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Revista Communication Papers (Media Literacy&Gender Studies) Journal Systems<p><strong><em>Communication Papers </em></strong>es una revista científica de investigación editada por el grupo POMAC de la Universitat de Girona. Su objetivo es difundir artículos del ámbito del periodismo, la comunicación audiovisual y la publicidad, con especial énfasis en los temas que profundizan en el tratamiento de género y la media literacy.</p> differences in the use of Artificial Intelligence by journalists in Hungary2024-06-13T09:00:14+00:00Mónika Andokandok.monika@btk.ppke.huDóra P. Szilczlszilczl.dora@btk.ppke.huAndrás Radetzkyradetzky.andras@btk.ppke.huZoltán<p>For about a decade and a half, increasing research attention has been paid to the role of women in the technological and content shaping of digital media industries (Gender Equality 2018). This study wants to give an idea of how the digital presence of Hungarian women journalists can be characterized, their opportunities in the world of the network, and what is their relationship to artificial intelligence? What AI tools do they use in their personal and professional lives. We also present whether there are gender differences between male and female journalists in the application of AI in Hungary. The study relies on the European Union's Women in Digital research data for the given period.For about a decade and a half, increasing research attention has been paid to the role of women in the technological and content shaping of digital media industries (Gender Equality 2018). This study wants to give an idea of how the digital presence of Hungarian women journalists can be characterized, their opportunities in the world of the network, and what is their relationship to artificial intelligence? What AI tools do they use in their personal and professional lives. We also present whether there are gender differences between male and female journalists in the application of AI in Hungary. The study relies on the European Union's Women in Digital research data for the given period.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Mónika Andok, Dóra P. Szilczl, András Radetzky, Zoltán Rajki of ChatGPT on Gender Discourse: A Qualitative Analysis of Generated Stories 2024-10-03T11:12:43+00:00Tugay Sarıkayatugaysarikaya@gmail.comElif Yı<p>This study aims to analyze how ChatGPT addresses gender discourse within the family context. The primary research question guiding this analysis is: "How are gender discourses reflected in ChatGPT?" To investigate this question, 10 stories that illustrate family relationships were generated by ChatGPT, each limited to 150 words and written in English. The collected data were examined using Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis method, allowing for a detailed analysis of each story individually before identifying common themes.</p> <p>Artificial intelligence and algorithms are crucial for this research, underscoring the impact of such advancements on social dynamics. The perspective and attitude of these scientific developments towards social issues are particularly noteworthy, especially regarding how artificial intelligence addresses gender discourses in both traditional and digital media. ChatGPT's rapid development in this area is of particular importance. This article provides an overview of Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Gender, and Language, with a focus on ChatGPT's reflections on gender discourse. The findings indicate that gender-based power relations are prominent in the narratives generated by ChatGPT, revealing elements associated with dominant ideologies.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Tugay Sarıkaya, Elif Yılmaz Change: Unveiling the Synergy of Feminist Perspectives and AI Tools in addressing Domestic Violence2024-11-08T11:53:43+00:00Ainhoa Izaguirre Choperenaainhoa.izagirre@deusto.esMaría López Bellosomlbelloso@deusto.esBorja Sanz<p>Gender-based violence remains a widespread issue in our societies. Women who are victims-survivors often encounter significant barriers when seeking support services, and frontline responders frequently lack the necessary skills and capacities to provide an adequate response. In this context, artificial intelligence, particularly through the use and development of chatbots, has emerged as a potential solution to enhance and simplify access to these services for women. This is where the European project IMPROVE (Improving Access to Services for Victims of Domestic Violence by Accelerating Change in Frontline Responder Organisations) comes into play. Using a qualitative methodology, this study captures the voices of victim-survivors, exploring their views on the use of AI tools in the context of domestic violence, while also comparing these perspectives with the general societal perception of chatbots as reflected in media coverage.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Ainhoa Izaguirre Choperena, María López Belloso, Borja Sanz Urquijo Impact of Artificial Intelligence on News Visualization: A Comprehensive Prompt Analysis2024-11-11T08:52:13+00:00Volkan<p>The rapid development of artificial intelligence has revolutionized the creation of visual content for digital media, with significant implications for news visualization. This article examines the growing role of AI-driven text-to-image generation in enhancing the delivery of news, focusing on the importance of prompt engineering in guiding AI systems to create relevant, emotionally resonant visuals. The integration of visual and textual content, long a cornerstone of effective communication, is explored in the context of modern news platforms, where AI-generated imagery plays a pivotal role in storytelling. This study also delves into the historical and technological evolution of image generation, demonstrating how AI applications like Midjourney are shaping the future of visual content creation. By analyzing specific prompt strategies, I outline the ways in which AI enhances news narratives, enriching the audience's engagement and understanding.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Volkan Mengi Intelligence and Gender: Examining Identities in The Alara X Sample2024-10-19T12:42:47+00:00Nuket Elpeze Ergec<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study is about gender-based changes that may occur with artificial intelligence technology. The connection between social change and technology is not a recent phenomenon. Comte illustrates this change through the evolution of knowledge and shifts in human thought. Anne Balsamo (1995) opposes the claim that the material body has lost its validity in our scientific culture in her study examining how the body is gendered in its interaction with new corporal technologies. Balsamo, who provides abundant evidence that the techno-body has always been gendered and racially marked, prepares the ground for a renewed relationship of feminists with contemporary technological narratives. In this context, how the physical world continues while recreating women with virtual characters based on gender approaches will be examined. In this study, first, body theories will be addressed within the scope of the posthuman. Second, how virtual characters occur in social media environments will be evaluated. Finally, Turkish influencer and talk show host Alara X will be examined in terms of her internal and external aspects within the entirety of both human and non-human elements In this study, which claims to connect the cultural formation of women's identities in virtual environments with dominant cultural production forms while making sense of it, it has been concluded that the female body is instrumentalized in power relations through consumption, communication, control mechanisms, and information technologies.</span></p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 nuket ergec alfabetización en inteligencia artificial: propuesta articulada de dimensiones e indicadores2024-11-11T18:50:49+00:00Álex Buitragoalex.buitrago@uva.esAlberto Martín Garcíaalberto.martin.garcia@uva.esLidia Torres<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif;">Este artículo propone un marco articulado de dimensiones e indicadores para la alfabetización en inteligencia artificial (AI literacy), entendida como una competencia clave para la ciudadanía en la era digital. A medida que la IA se integra cada vez más en áreas como la educación, los medios de comunicación, el ámbito laboral y la vida cotidiana, surge la necesidad de desarrollar competencias que permitan a los individuos no solo utilizar estas tecnologías de manera eficiente, sino también comprenderlas críticamente, evaluando sus impactos sociales, éticos y culturales. Basado en el modelo de competencia mediática de Ferrés y Piscitelli (2012), este estudio adapta y amplía dicho enfoque para el contexto de la IA, identificando seis dimensiones fundamentales: cognitiva y crítica, lenguaje y programación, ética, emocional, creatividad e innovación, e interacción y participación.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif;">Estas dimensiones se desglosan en indicadores específicos que permiten medir y aplicar la alfabetización en IA en diversos contextos educativos y sociales, proporcionando herramientas prácticas para el análisis crítico y el uso responsable de la IA. Además, se abordan retos clave, como los sesgos algorítmicos, en particular aquellos relacionados con el género, subrayando la importancia de abordar estas desigualdades desde una perspectiva crítica y ética.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif;">El artículo también destaca la necesidad de integrar la alfabetización en IA dentro de la alfabetización mediática e informacional (MIL), ampliando el concepto para abordar las tecnologías algorítmicas que hoy en día moldean el acceso y la producción de información. El marco propuesto es flexible y en constante evolución, capaz de ajustarse a los rápidos cambios tecnológicos, y tiene como objetivo empoderar a la ciudadanía para que interactúe de manera crítica, responsable y ética con la IA, promoviendo una sociedad más justa e inclusiva ante los desafíos y oportunidades que plantea esta tecnología.</span></p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Álex Buitrago, Alberto Martín García, Lidia Torres Ortiz